Aurora Salmon 15th Anniversary Event at Sushi Choshimaru
Norwegian seafood cooking class for parents and children.
On 29th April 2023, an article was published in the Kyoto Newspaper, explaining about Ocean Trading Co., Ltd.’s donation towards the Kyoto Newspaper Social Welfare Association.
The contributed article by our president, Kaneko was published in Kyoto Shinbun on 2023 March 18th.
We carried out a promotional event of Miyagi origin Strawberries in Singapore
We donated to the Kyoto Newspaper Social Welfare Association.
We have begun handling Norwegian "Skrei"
“Message from our president” has been updated. (2023 New Year message from the president)
The contributed article by our president, Yoneda was published in Kyoto Shinbun on 2023 January 1st.
We won the "Supplier of The Year Award" at the Supplier Award Event hosted by DFI, the largest retail group in Southeast Asia.