Company Philosophy

Company Philosophy

Benefiting the "Three Parties": we are planters of “seeds”
It is said that there are more than 2.9 million active corporations in Japan today. Business management environments change rapidly each year, and many businesses are trying to stay afloat amidst fierce competition for market share. Throughout the 50 years since the founding of our company, we have continuously and thoroughly adhered to our fundamental principles.
Our fundamental principle and corporate philosophy are the same: the spirit of “Sanpo Yoshi”, which means that the business we conduct must benefit the seller, buyer, and society. We believe that a truly worthy business should satisfy both the buyer, seller and contribute to society. Ocean Trading’s mission is to bring prosperity and happiness to all the people we work with, including producers, consumers, distributors, clients, employees, and stakeholders.
As a trading company, the purchasing and selling of products is nothing other than a means. The ideal business we aim for can accomplish a wide range of contributions, including regional vitalization, quality improvement, job creation, economic independence, enhancement of food cultures in overseas countries, and the exchange of traditions and culture.
To that end, we will continue planting “seeds.”
The act of planting seeds is the cornerstone of “Sanpo Yoshi" (win-win policy). We must work hard and make great efforts before we can inspire happiness in other people. Over our long history of 50 years, we have been able to earn the trust of many people because we have continuously embodied this spirit in our actions. Trust has grown our relationship with many people, leading us to a deeper understanding of each other and our philosophy. As a result, we believe in a heartfelt business.
We will continue planting seeds even though we cannot tell when they will come to fruition; the day of harvest will arrive as long as we have faith and act in a calm, humble manner. We believe in the future and will continue to abide by our philosophy of “Benefits for Three Parties” and, together with everyone who sympathizes with this philosophy, we will continue moving forward with sincerity and honesty.